Don't dwell on the past...learn from it. Don't worry about the future, embrace whatever comes, cherish this moment!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Procrastination Sucks!

Hello!  Birdman here, back for more!
My goal to stop procrastinating has not gone too well.  In fact, I’m procrastinating as I write this.  It’s about 1 AM and I’m in the middle of writing a short essay for English class.  It’s just like that episode of Spongebob, yeah Spongebob!, when he has to write that essay for boating school.  It only has to be 1 – 1.5 measly pages, double-spaced.  In my mind, it should take the average person about an hour to do a good quality job on it.  I’ve been working on it for about two hours and am still not done.  But I’ve also managed to burn two music CD’s, send two emails, and go to the bathroom twice during that two hour period.  I can’t explain why everything’s in two’s, hehe.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Greetings from Birdman

Hey!!  This is Birdman!  I really do exist, hehe.  I’ve been busy lately … but that’s no excuse.  I used to think that I’d do all these things I want to do in life when I’m not so busy.  But life is always busy.  And it doesn’t make sense to wait for a period when you have time, because it won’t come.  Ultimately, you just have to make time for whatever you feel you need most in your life.  And right now, I feel like I need to blog …

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cleanse: Day 4

Day 4.... an exciting day for two people deprived of all carbohydrates for 3 days. Today Birdman and I decided that it was time to add in the grains and seeds with our array of fruits and veggies of course.

For breakfast I had the usually fruit! This just always makes me feel good about myself!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cleanse: Day 3

Giggles again (Birdy man has been a little busy:))

I was not looking forward to this day... quiz, meeting with my intimidating professor, teaching 3 yoga classes and all this on only fruit and veggies.....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cleanse: Day 2

So today is the second day of this fiasco.... oh giddy! This morning I was feeling pretty normal... although I must say I was almost sad. I wasn't sure if it was the dreary weather, everyday drama in my soup opera of a life or if it was lack of carbohydrates...

Cleanse Day 1

Experience by Giggles....

The first day of any cleanse is always the easiest. You still have some carbohydrates in your body and you don't have to go through gluconeogenesis quite yet.. haha (microbiology terminology). Basically its when you get glucose from other sources besides carbohydrates. The secret to survival is potatoes... sweet potatoes... white potatoes.. couch potatoes... oh wait lol not that.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

hahah Let me try that again.... WELCOME!

Hello! Giggles here!

Apologies for the interesting welcome that I posted a few days ago. I occasionally enjoy a glass or two (or three oops) of Sangria with my buddy Birdman and well that was just one of those times. Moving on....

So Birdman and I have always had intriguing ideas that relate to seeking health and balance. Some of the things we do, we believe could have an impact on readers such as yourself. There's an abundance of things we are going to share with you:) This is also a way for us to keep in touch while I go off to Chiropractic school in January! eeek!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Welcome fellow humans!


This will be the greatest blog OF YOUR LIFE. I DON'T THINK YOUR READY FOR IT. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHO IS? .. spongebob yes..... really. Hi my name is giggles and my best friend is birdman. We have come from a different planet to help your planet find happyness. love you. CHEERS. umm... oops I just got so excited about this blog that I took a POOP. Thats a secret.

That was Giggles.  This is Birdman ... her caretaker, when she's had too much ;)  We're actually not crazy!  No, really, weren't not.