Don't dwell on the past...learn from it. Don't worry about the future, embrace whatever comes, cherish this moment!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cleanse Day 1

Experience by Giggles....

The first day of any cleanse is always the easiest. You still have some carbohydrates in your body and you don't have to go through gluconeogenesis quite yet.. haha (microbiology terminology). Basically its when you get glucose from other sources besides carbohydrates. The secret to survival is potatoes... sweet potatoes... white potatoes.. couch potatoes... oh wait lol not that.

So for breakfast I usually start out with a delicious beautiful fruit salad.. I chopped up a fresh pineapple, added banana, grapes and then some naked juice so it was almost like the best soup of your life. If I get hungry in the morning still I will continue with fruit until lunch.

For lunch I had a cleansing giant popeye spinach salad with some dried cranberries and green peppers. Then I had some steamed carrots and red potatoes. LOTS OF KETCHUP... of course... yes this is something you will learn about us.. we worship the stuff:)

Then for din din I headed over to birdmans place and we made a recipe from our cookbook! We made "Full of Life" vegetable soup and then the traditional and AMAZING sweet potato fries. Birdman has those things mastered! We did this all to the music of Lord of the Rings of course:) It just made it so much more epic. At this time the Packer Vikings game was on until the satellite went out lol. darn it.

All and all this was a successful cleanse day for the both of us! Day 2 is usually the day you start to worry...

Peace and Love,


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