Don't dwell on the past...learn from it. Don't worry about the future, embrace whatever comes, cherish this moment!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

hahah Let me try that again.... WELCOME!

Hello! Giggles here!

Apologies for the interesting welcome that I posted a few days ago. I occasionally enjoy a glass or two (or three oops) of Sangria with my buddy Birdman and well that was just one of those times. Moving on....

So Birdman and I have always had intriguing ideas that relate to seeking health and balance. Some of the things we do, we believe could have an impact on readers such as yourself. There's an abundance of things we are going to share with you:) This is also a way for us to keep in touch while I go off to Chiropractic school in January! eeek!

The first thing we are going to reflect upon would be our attempt to cook every recipe in a cookbook together (or at the same time at different locations). Yes definitely inspired my julie and julia the movie:)hehe. We chose the book The American Vegetarian Cookbook by Marilyn Diamond. She was one of the authors of Fit for Life which has helped my family become very healthy:).

Another thing is that we are attempting a CLEANSE. It will be a five day cleanse and includes eating only fruits and veggies for 3 days and grains for 1 or 2 and then adding protein back into our diet. I've successfully done this three times in my life and the benefits are unbelievable. By the end of the cleanse I have no cravings for any sweets or unhealthy food. I also lose weight which is awesome:)

Third thing is our adventure breakfasts on Friday mornings after yoga. Every Friday we find a different place to eat in Stevens Point Wisconsin and reflect upon our experience. So far we have been to the Cozy Kitchen, Olympia Family Restaurant and the Wooden Chair.

Plenty more tiny adventures and ideas are to come! I hope we fill your brain with new ideas of health and vitality!

Peace and Love,


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